Creative writing with Aesop's Fables.
I really do like the concept and think it would work well for my dyslexic daughter, but, well, *ahem*, I don't want to buy any wordless picture books. So instead, I popped on over to Project Gutenberg to see what I could come up with, and I found this: THE AESOP FOR CHILDREN. It has lots of lovely illustrations, and as they are WOO! public domain, I can print as many as I want. My daughter loves animals of all kinds, so I picked several and now I'm going to let her choose one and write a short story about what she thinks is happening in the picture. Then we can read the "real" story together and see how hers compares, in a same/different sense, not a "this one is good, but yours is bad" sense. I think she'll enjoy this much more than a word prompt of the "Imagine you're sailing a boat on a jungle river...." kind.
Aesop's Fables is by no means the only illustrated book at Project Gutenberg. If you have a child who might need new ideas for writing, poke around the PG site and see what you can find. :)
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